Habits of a Happy Brain

Habits of a Happy Brain

It is gratifying when science validates your fundamental philosophy. I recently read The Habits of a Happy Brain by Loretta Breuning, PHD. The author documents how neural scientist have made tremendous discoveries about the human brain in the last ten years. With the...
The Power of Positive Self-Talk

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

We all talk to ourselves. From a young age children talk to themselves, and often do so out loud. Educators have observed that this private speech helps young children self‐regulate, so they can focus their attention and guide their behavior, especially when they...
Successful Routines Keep it Simple

Successful Routines Keep it Simple

  A Major Promise of the SuccessMode program is making you the Boss of your Brain. The SuccessMode Toolkit offers an array of opportunities to manage your thought process, and it can be challenging to master them all at once. The good news is you do not need to...
Positive Routines

Positive Routines

As the most complex creatures on the planet, we are a walking, talking collection of habits. We all have our routines that can work for us or sometimes hinder our progress. Certain thoughts routinely pop into our mind and we aren’t even aware of them. The goal of...
Be a Lifelong Learner

Be a Lifelong Learner

Learning can be a lifelong pursuit. Once we graduate from school, finished our training, and step out to a work-a-day world, we often overlook the importance learning new knowledge, skills, and habits. If there is any quality humans learn, it is habits. We are...