We all have various levels of goals that we are striving for on any given day. The hierarchy of goals can vary from working a PhD to what to have for dinner tonight. Whatever the goal, big or small, at some point it is going to require action to make it materialize.
The Universe rewards action.
A Plan of Action can vary from a simple checklist to elaborate blueprints and diagrams. Create a POA for your main goals. If you want to get a degree in computer science what steps will it require? Write out a list: research colleges, secure financing, fill out applications, order transcripts, etc..
Daily Plan Of Action
Once the big picture POA is in place, what are the daily steps you can take to further your goals? Each morning or the evening before write on a notepad or your mobile device your POA for the day. Most people will have a variety of tasks they want to accomplish on any given day like, record affirmations, apply to Harvard, order transcripts, pick up a quart of milk. If you don’t accomplish all actions that day, write them into the next day’s POA. Actions written on a list have authority and priority in your life. There are only so many hours and minutes in a day; make sure the day gives you what you want. “Carpe Diem!”
For more information there is a definitive book called “The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande,MD. It is on audio book and the author, a practicing surgeon, has a lot of interesting stories about how checklist are successfully used in aviation, construction, business, and operating rooms.
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